A Cautionary Tale About Dimension Funding

Dimension Funding stole funds out of our Business Bank Account 5 years after we’d paid off our lease.”

—Chris Merkel, Google Reviews

Are you considering using Dimension Funding? Have you used Dimension Funding to finance equipment or software and had a bad experience? My own experience with the company has been unsatisfactory, and my repeated attempts to get them to do the right thing have not met my standards.

So I’m creating this website to share details of my experience with them, because I believe it is a cautionary tale that others should be aware of.

I will be detailing problems I have had working with the company, including, but not limited to:

• A business model that, in my opinion, relies too much on customers not reading the fine print or understanding the potential pitfalls of their funding contracts.

• Difficulties communicating directly with decision-makers regarding customer service issues.

• Lack of what I consider adequate disclosure regarding ongoing auto-debits from bank accounts.

• An apparent unwillingness to consider best practices and overall fairness and full consideration of customer concerns.

I can’t recommend going with Dimension Funding for your financing needs. If your experience turns out anything like mine, it could be a very costly mistake, both in terms of money and time.

I’m not alone with this opinion. Check out what some other people are saying in Google reviews, with feedback that closely tracks my own experiences.

Another unhappy
Dimension Funding client

If you’re considering Dimension Funding for equipment financing, first you should read this complaint filed on Leasing News, a popular industry site tracking the leasing industry.

In the complaint, Yousif Halloum of an ARCO AM/PM states that Dimension Funding didn’t return a $5,000 deposit he sent them. He stated that he contacted Lisa Dietrich at Dimension Funding, who directed him “to contact the owner of the company, Mr.Wagner.”

Halloum states that he contacted Wagner (which would be Larry Wagner) who also declined to return the deposit.

The incident doesn’t appear to be a fluke, as Halloum further states that he contacted two other leasing companies and told them about his problems with Dimension Funding.

You can read more details on the complaint page at Leasing News.

Yousif Halloum, who filed the above described complaint about Dimension Funding stated that he had to ask company owner Larry Wagner about getting his deposit back? Who is Larry Wagner? A LinkedIn profile that appears to match the professional details for Dimension Funding’s Larry Wagner lists a title that includes “merchant cash consultant.”

Not everyone has had good experiences with merchant cash financing. Online, you can find first-hand accounts of how taking that financing route has gone wrong, and a fair amount of information from reputable sources that warns of the risks involved in merchant cash advances. That includes a 2018 Federal Reserve report that highlighted several problems with the industry as a whole.

But besides the work in equipment financing and merchant cash advances, the Larry Wagner LinkedIn profile highlights another accomplishment: a three-year stint as the assistant to the assistant manager at a car rental place.

Note that Dimension Funding is not accredited with the Better Business Bureau:

Check back for additional details as they become available.